According to Ángel Castiñeira and Josep M. Lozano (2012), “Education is not only reproduction and transmission of what is established, but also criticism and questioning of what is established”,in our opinion and based on the video, education is known as the knowledge base that is acquired
over time, the first moment where knowledge is acquired is from home, parents are those educators who impart values, feelings and attitudes, when the child grows, the educational nstitutions are those that impart knowledge of subjects, attitudes and integration in life to achieve success.Talking about how hard is for Mexican students to get in into the school they want because of their social and economic status; this may affect in their school development. This situation forces the students to have a temporary job, to help with the family economy, and in consequence they neglect studies. In Resources for education, it is the search for tools that help the need to combat economic problems that arise in the families of the students and the school. We live in a globalized world where communication and interaction through the internet is necessary, which is the information search center, it is a window that looks at parts of the world, it is handled with a certain subtlety for learning, knowledge and proper management of the quality of information for students.Freire (1973). says that dialogue is a human phenomenon by which the word is revealed to us, of which we can say that, it is dialogue itself. For this reason, you have to look for the word and its constituent elements. We thus discover that there is no true word that is not an unbreakable union
between action and reflection and, therefore, that is not praxis. Hence (n.d), saying the true word is transforming the world. Paulo Freire (n.d) mentions that “Educators must question for whom and on behalf of those who educate”, we think that communication and interaction between people is important in the child's coexistence, the internet plays an important role in today's life and you have to know how to learn to handle it safely, since it is the way to transform the world in a constructive way. And teachers innovate and develop more an interest in learning with this tool.
The use of internet in students can be useful, but also harmful for them, because they can haveevery information and web page in an easy access, without knowing that this can be risky and dangerous for them. That’s why Mexican government has developed different courses and programs to teach the students the correct use of the internet.
According with Tanya Byron (n.d) she says that “Technology by itself is not transformative. It is the school, the pedagogy, that is transformative”. We agree with this because the video mentioned that nowadays internet plays a very important role in our daily life, but we also know that we have to be extremely careful when we use it, in our opinion, is important to learn how to properly use it, not only us, also the teachers, parents and students
It is also important to know the quality of the work of a teacher in the training that must be taken in education, taking into account the values, objectives and means to implement a teaching, the influence of obstacles in the school context has great weight and in social community, such as the
infrastructure, the educational structure that each school has and the participation of parents in each event related to the students, because they play and important role in the students life, by encouraging their kids to continue with the school, in order to them to try to skip the same steps
as their parents. For this reason, the SNTE 1994 created conferences of value and the educational future where experts present the subject related to education, and teacher performance in classes; of how it influences and what impact it creates in each class.
On the other hand, Jean Jacques Rousseau (1781), in his book “Emilio”, or “Education”, from the mother's womb said that one is alive. As the child grows, he or she must go on his or her own free to acquire knowledge, he says that "We are born capable of learning, but not knowing or knowing
anything." Without realizing it, since we are born we are free and by our own will we know what pleasure, pain and rejection are.
In words of Henry Peter Brougham (n.d), “Education makes people easy to lead, but difficult to manipulate, easy to govern but impossible to enslave”, as well as we have to take more in count the student’s emotions, starting with the participation of parents and teachers in the student’s life, through the programs that will increase the values and the quality education in Mexico. We agree with this information because as the video show us, we are in process of create a real organization between parents and teachers, because as we know they are the main support of the kids to continue studying, so we have to make a lot of effort in order to this to happen. Conclusion
As our conclusion, Mexican education is so important for life and for getting a job. Besides, we have that obligation according to the article 3 of our constitution.” Every individual has the right to an education. The State -Federation, States and Municipalities- will provide initial, preschool,
primary and secondary education. Initial, preschool, primary and secondary education are compulsory”. (Mexican Constitution, 1917).The education starts when we move on to kindergarten, but the qualifications challenge begins in
elementary school, middle school, and high school. Education in Mexico has several complications: it is insufficient, unequal, and its quality is uncertain due to gaps in measurement and information. These characteristics depends on the higher school level and vary of course depending on the geographical region. It also mentions how the government has managed this budget, in order to see the reality that we are leaving nowadays, and to realize how far we are from having a quality education.In our opinion, we agreed with Marjane Satrapi (n.d), because she mentions the "Education is a
weapon of mass construction." Something in the classroom and not stopping to think about what we are doing to leading us to routine practices and away from the needs of our students. As a consequence, we create spaces of learning devoid of curiosity and motivation and we foster in them a feeling of boredom.
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