The story of my grandfather

 Written by: Kelly Claire Moreno García

In 1951, United States of America was the country as the Operation Faust started, 5 bangs because the bombers were going to develop a nuclear weapon. That was the year that Rufino Moreno was born in the Town of Zolotpec, he is my grandfather and I admire him for somethings.

First, he told me that when he was an infant was the best in his class, but he could not finish the elementary scholl because his parents hadn´t had money to buy him even a pencil to continue his schoolarity.

Second, when he was an infant as well he got his first job as a farmer, the most important thing is that when he was in his teen, he was the first person who worked in Mexico City from my city, in this moment he felt in love, when my parents met the, so they got married and became parents.

While he was working in Veracruz, he became father from his first daughter, and in next years he became a grandfather.

He is 70 years old and he still work, because he is a very hard worker person, he love plant fruits trees and stay at his home.

An interesting fact is that he born in a february 29th, so his birthday is every leap year.

I think he is an excellent grandfather because everytime he has been a responsable and an admirable person.


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